The predictions of Nostradamus for 2023

The predictions of Nostradamus for 2023

Do you know Nostradamus? Maybe you have heard of this person? He is a Frenchman who lived from 1503 to 1566. He was a pharmacist and physician, but mostly known for his enthusiasm about astrology. As a medium he became famous with his book 'Les Prohpeties'. He predicted a great many events. Think of wars, the rise of Hitler, terrorism in Europe. Also some specific parts like the death of Princess Diana, the attacks of September 11 and the accident with a space shuttle. He also made some predictions about 2023! Would you like to know more about that? Nostradamus is considered the most famous medium ever! From his book 'Les Prohpeties' you can get numerous predictions. Read the predictions for 2023 here

False predictions for 2023

Please note, there are many blogs and sites with sensational interpretations about the 2023 predictions. However, much of this is not reflected in the actual predictions. Think climate disasters, a world war, famine in Africa. Rest assured, you won't find these catastrophic predictions for 2023! Thank goodness for that!

Prediction about Queen Elizabeth in 2022

What is correct, and what you may have already known, is that Nostradamus correctly predicted for 2022 that the Queen of England: Queen Elizabeth II would die at the age of 96. This can actually be read back in the book 'Nostradamus: The Complete Prophesies for the Future,' by Mario Reading. This book contains a selection of Nostradamus' most important, relevant predictions. Now, of course, it is very interesting to see which predictions he made for 2023! By the way, what you don't read everywhere is that in this book there is another prediction about the possible great consequences of the death of the Queen! The son of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles as the first son is the logical successor. As such, he has since been crowned King Charles III. It is important to note that Charles was previously married to Princess Diana. She sadly died in a car accident in Paris, which, by the way, Nostradamus predicted correctly! He then married his childhood sweetheart Camilla Parker Bowles. Given the civil nature of this marriage, the English church is not happy with the succession to the throne. This possibly leads to a crisis in England, where eventually the new King and Queen do prevail! We will see how this continues in the coming year!

So what else is there to read in verses dealing with the year 2023? Below is the original French verse (the quadrain) by Nostradamus that should relate to this year.

Nostradamus 2023 Quatrain 5/23

Les deux contens feront unis ensemble,

Quand la plufpart à Mars feront conioinct:

Le grand d'Affrique en efFrayeur & tremble,

Duumvirat par la claffe defioinct

It's pretty diffecult to translate, because of old spelling, but two predictions can be taken from this text. The first is about the war between Russia and Ukraine. The second is about a leader in Africa who has become very afraid of something. Both of them I will explain below.

Peace between Russia and Ukraine?

We can read something like: 'A union of 2 parties or individuals who are satisfied while the majority are focused on Mars'. Many are thinking of the planet Mars. Are we going to travel to Mars in 2023? Does Elon Musk have something to do with it? It is more likely to conclude that this is about the God of War: Mars. The two sides could be Russia and Ukraine. Both leaders will be very pleased: President Zelensky of Ukraine for managing to take back a lot of Ukrainian land in the last months of 2022. Contrary to what everyone thought at the beginning of the war.

Despite many setbacks, President Putin will be satisfied that he was able to illegally, but successfully, annex part of Ukraine. It involves 4 regions in Ukraine. You would think this would bring peace back, but that appears to be for now. Many people are not finished with the war, despite the winter of 2023. After the winter, it looks like the war will continue again. This also has to do with the many refugees who have fled to surrounding countries, and the unrest in and around the annexed regions. Let's hope peace returns sooner than predicted!

New Nigerian leader in 2023?

Nigeria is a country where there have been tensions for a long time. Think poverty, corruption, acts of terror by Boko Haram and crime. It is not an easy country to live in. In 2023, something special is about to happen. The current president Buhari quits. In February, elections will take place and a new African leader will emerge. This leader will not have it easy. The transfer of power will not be without controversy. Many citizens are not happy with the new 'elected' leader. The country is in two minds. This will have big, violent consequences for the leader and the country.

Are you now curious about your personal predictions for 2023 yourself? Then take a quick look at the predictions-2023 page. In addition, we have a horoscope-2023 and a chinese-horoscope-2023. Check it out and learn about your future based on your zodiac sign!

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